Not only the Board of KIVI but also the Members’ Council endorses on 16 December 2019 the report “Chartered Engineering, success or drama” of the Chartered Engineering working group of the Members’ Council.
The report begins with a historical summary and a global description of other professional registers and registrations. The opinion of the KIVI-members, of the engineers who are candidates in the process and of the Chartered Engineers about Chartered Engineering was investigated by surveys.
Interviews were used to summarise the pros and cons of Chartered Engineering. The main conclusion is that an engineer should do the Chartered Engineering for himself. The engineer undergoes a process of self-reflection and in addition to his technical knowledge, soft subjects and business subjects come into focus. Doubts are raised about the advantage of being a Chartered Engineer at acquisition. Also was concluded that the Chartered Engineering’s process should no longer be conducted only in English, but should also be kept in Dutch. On the basis of the information mentioned, a number of recommendations are made in the report.
The recommendations are adopted and it is decided not to opt for a process with office employees who provide chartering as officials but to bring the process back to its origin: “peer review” by volunteers with support from an office employee. It is also decided to set up a Chartered Engineering department of which all (candidate) Chartered Engineers and all others involved in the Chartered Engineering process, are members.