Choosing which path is right for you?

In the ever developing Engineering profession, there are increasingly diverse job roles across multiple workfields and disciplines. Therefore, you must decide which Chartership title is most suited to your career and your professional responsibilities.

KIVI offers two professional titles: Chartered Engineer and Incorporated Engineer


A minimum of 5 years experience is required for both titles.
  • null

    A master's degree or above

    Chartered Engineer (CEng)

  • null

    A bachelor's degree or above

    Incorporated Engineer (IEng)

Differences between the titles

Chartered Engineer

Uses non-routine methods to solve complex problems.

Develops new technologies and analytical techniques.

Has technical accountability for complex systems.

Is accountable for project, financial and management decisions.

Develops other technical staff.

Effectively communicates technical & strategic matters.


Incorporated Engineer

Maintains and manages application of technology.

Applies current and developing technologies.

Exercises independent technical judgement.

Actively participates in project and financial considerations.

Has some responsibility in developing other professional staff.

Effectively communicates technical matters.
