Last name | Professional Title | Discipline | Sector | Registration number | |
Aantjes, A | IEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 128 | |
Aires, C. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 79 | |
Al-Yamoor, Z.H. | IEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 54 | |
Albers, B.W.P. | IEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 137 | |
Aldenberg, D. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and Building | 126 | |
Ali, M.T. | CEng | Marine Engineering | Marine and offshore | 174 | |
Aparaschivei, A. | CEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | High tech systems | 41 | |
Arts, J. | CEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 124 | |
Baalen, R.P. van | CEng | Building engineering | Infrastructure and building | 138 | |
Bakker, G.W. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 76 | |
Barink, B.J. | CEng | Industrial engineering and manufacturing | Infrastructure and building | 44 | |
Bell, T.W. | CEng | Aerospace engineering | High tech systems | 111 | |
Beumer, J. | IEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 2 | |
Bhattacharjee, A. | CEng | Mechanical engineering | High tech systems | 6 | |
Blanken, S.M. den | CEng | Civil Engineering | Infrastructure and building | 130 | |
Bolhuis, J.A. | CEng | Civil Engineering | Infrastructure and building | 113 | |
Boot, D. | CEng | Chemical and process engineering | High tech systems | 12 | |
Bos, F.C.W. | CEng | Mechanical engineering | Marine and offshore | 47 | |
Brand, C.A.A. van den | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure & Building | 169 | |
Breman, C. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 42 | |
Cheng, H.T. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 119 | |
Copier, P.W. | IEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 133 | |
Cots, J. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 65 | |
Cox, I.A.H. | IEng | Building engineering Civil engineering Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 142 | |
Cramwinckel, E.R. | IEng | Medical engineering | High tech systems | 35 | |
Dam, J. van | CEng | Mechanical engineering Structural engineering | Marine and offshore | 121 | |
del Valle Doblado, J.L. | CEng | Power and energy engineering | Infrastructure and building | 68 | |
Dharma, A. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Marine and offshore | 64 | |
Djigouadi, R. | CEng | Mechanical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 23 | |
Dols, V.P.M. | IEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 153 | |
Draganov, V.A. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 90 | |
Driesse, A | IEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 147 | |
Dustin, S. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 43 | |
Elkadi, A.S.K. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 40 | |
Esteve Sala, V.M. | CEng | Biotechnical engineering Building engineering Power and Energy engineering | High tech systems | 134 | |
- | - | - | - | 75 | |
Fecken, F.A. | IEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 159 | |
Fiévez, S.J.W. | CEng | Chemical and process engineering | High tech systems | 145 | |
Folkertsma, G.A. | CEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | High tech systems | 100 | |
Gamza, A. | CEng | Environmental engineering | Infrastructure and building | 51 | |
Geertsma, R. | CEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | Marine and offshore | 61 | |
- | - | - | - | 7 | |
Grange, P. le | CEng | Chemical and Process engineering | High Tech Systems | 110 | |
Haaften, J.E. van | CEng | Marine engineering | Marine and offshore | 45 | |
Hartog, C. den | CEng | Transport engineering | Infrastructure and building | 21 | |
Heerema, E.P. | FCEng | Civil engineering | Marine and offshore | 17 | |
Heereveld, M.A. van | CEng | Civil engineering Hydraulic engineering | Infrastructure & Building | 168 | |
Hermens, M.J.G. | CEng | Building engineering Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 127 | |
Hesselink, B.H. | CEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 158 | |
Hol, S. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Marine and offshore | 87 | |
Horst, A. van der | FCEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 115 | |
Hout, J.C.L. van | CEng | Chemical and process engineering | High tech systems | 19 | |
Hout, J.J. | IEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 135 | |
IJnsen, P. | IEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 81 | |
Iriberri Vega, M.A. | CEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | Infrastructure and building | 67 | |
Jacobs, J.J. | CEng | Mechanical engineering Structural engineering | Marine and offshore | 118 | |
Jagtenberg, R.P.G. | IEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | High tech systems | 57 | |
Jovanovic, P. | CEng | Building engineering Civil engineering Geotechnical engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 148 | |
Karelse, M.K. | CEng | Hydraulic engineering | Infrastructure and building | 3 | |
Karreman, W.J. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Marine and offshore | 25 | |
Kaura, J.D. | Ceng | Geotechnical engineering Hydraulic engineering Power and Energy engineering | Marine and offshore | 154 | |
Keij, W.D. | CEng | Marine engineering | Marine and offshore | 26 | |
Kemp, C. | IEng | Civil engineering Geotechnical engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 149 | |
Kerk, A.J.C. van de | CEng | Environmental engineering Hydraulic engineering | Infrastructure & Building | 163 | |
Kerr, G. | CEng | Civil engineering | High tech systems | 72 | |
Kerstens, N.F.H. | CEng | Materials science and engineering | Marine and offshore | 82 | |
Kessels, W.J.T.H. | IEng | Mechanical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 89 | |
Klaassen, J.M. | CEng | Mechanical engineering | High tech systems | 36 | |
Koeijer, A. de | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 58 | |
Kraaijenbrink, H.G. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 4 | |
Kuin, A.J. | CEng | Chemical and process engineering | High tech systems | 22 | |
Laagland, J. | IEng | Building engineering Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 129 | |
Lakhal, S. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Marine and offshore | 94 | |
Lan, C. | CEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure & Building | 155 | |
Langeveld, C.R. | CEng | Hydraulic engineering | Marine and offshore | 24 | |
Leliveld, D. | IEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 143 | |
Lockant, A.H.H.G. van de | IEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | High tech systems | 93 | |
Lorenz, C. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 139 | |
Malinverno, G. | CEng | Aerospace engineering Mathematics Physics Mechanical engineering Electromechanical engineering | High tech systems | 175 | |
- | - | - | - | 120 | |
Mashal, A.A. | IEng | Building engineering Civil engineering Geotechnical engineering Materials engineering Physics Power and energy Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 166 | |
Meeuwsen, M. | IEng | Civil engineering Geotechnical engineering Mechanical engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 151 | |
Meijer, L. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 73 | |
Meijerink, J.J.H. | CEng | Mechanical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 88 | |
Meijers, S.J.H. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 78 | |
Merelles Guijarrio, J.F. | CEng | Industrial engineering and manufacturing | Infrastructure and building | 69 | |
Middelkoop, F.H. | CEng | Building engineering Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 123 | |
Mirzada, A. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 9 | |
Mooren, F.F.G. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 32 | |
Morris, N.E. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Marine and offshore | 38 | |
Naji, A.K. | CEng | Power and energy engineering | High tech systems | 71 | |
Ngui Min Fui, T. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 59 | |
Nguyen, N.Q. | CEng | Civil engineering Geotechnical engineering Marine engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 131 | |
Nieuwenhuis, O.E. | CEng | Civil engineering Hydraulic engineering | Marine & Offshore | 165 | |
Nijs, R.E.P. de | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 14 | |
Norden, W.L. van | CEng | Systems engineering Information and Software engineering | Marine and offshore | 112 | |
Ong, L. | CEng | Power and energy engineering | Marine and offshore | 70 | |
Ooms, R.J. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Marine and offshore | 33 | |
Ortiz Casas, A. | CEng | Electrical engineering Electromechanical engineering Mechanical engineering | High tech systems | 156 | |
Oudijk, G.M. | CEng | Building and Urbanism engineering | Infrastructure and building | 117 | |
Paassen, B.P.H. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 162 | |
Pereira, B.W.P. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering Mechanical engineering Power and energy | Marine and Offshore | 140 | |
Peters, D.J. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 5 | |
Pijpstra, K.K. | CEng | Mechanical engineering | High tech systems | 50 | |
Plokker, M.J. | IEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 114 | |
Prichard, J. | FCEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 55 | |
Raadschelders, V.L. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 146 | |
Rajput, N. | CEng | Hydraulic engineering | Marine and offshore | 60 | |
Reeskamp, B. | CEng | Civil engineering Marine engineering | Marine & Offshore | 170 | |
- | - | - | - | 152 | |
Rozendal, J.W.A. | CEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | Infrastructure and building | 28 | |
Ruiter, F.J. de | CEng | Mechanical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 56 | |
- | - | - | - | 66 | |
Sanders, M.P.M. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering Hydraulic engineering | Marine & Offshore | 164 | |
Schalk, R.A. | CEng | Civil engineering Systems engineering Transport engineering | Infrastructure & Building | 167 | |
Schrik, E. | CEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | Infrastructure and building | 95 | |
- | - | - | - | 77 | |
Scudelari de Macedo, L.F. | CEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure & Building | 157 | |
Segboer, T.J. | CEng | Marine engineering | Marine and offshore | 27 | |
Sewberath-Misser, N. | CEng | Medical engineering | High tech systems | 96 | |
Singh, B. | CEng | Aerospace engineering Mechanical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 176 | |
Slingerland, L.J. | IEng | Civil engineering Geotechnical engineering Materials engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 144 | |
Slob, S. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 10 | |
Sluis, A,G. van der | CEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 132 | |
Sokolewicz, M.J. | CEng | Hydraulic engineering | Marine and offshore | 160 | |
Soppe, H.B.J. | IEng | Mechanical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 98 | |
Spaan, G. | CEng | Civil engineering | Marine and offshore | 177 | |
Steen, T.H.J. van der | CEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | High tech systems | 11 | |
Steenbakkers, P.A.H.J. | CEng | Safety and security engineering | Infrastructure and building | 99 | |
Steenhuis, A.L.J. | CEng | Structural engineering | Marine and offshore | 80 | |
Sterren, B.G. van der | CEng | Mechanical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 29 | |
Stout, E.P. | CEng | Electrical and electronics engineering | High tech systems | 37 | |
Swart, P.D. | CEng | Marine engineering | Marine and offshore | 16 | |
Tempel, J. van der | CEng | Marine engineering | Marine and offshore | 102 | |
Tersteeg, R. | CEng | Civil engineering Building and Urbanism engineering | Infrastructure and building | 173 | |
Timmerman, P.G. | CEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 141 | |
Timmermans, A.L.J. | CEng | Civil engineering Geotechnical engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 150 | |
Tossings, R.W.C. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 84 | |
Vazquez Rodarte, I.S. | CEng | Systems engineering | High tech systems | 97 | |
Veen, M.E. | CEng | Structural engineering | Marine and offshore | 85 | |
Verbruggen, D.M. | IEng | Civil engineering Systems engineering Geotechnical engineering Transport engineering | Infrastructure and building | 125 | |
Vervoorn, R.R.E. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 8 | |
Vijlbrief, M. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 92 | |
Vink, R. | CEng | Marine engineering | Marine and offshore | 86 | |
Visser, D. | CEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 13 | |
Vuurens, R.S. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure and building | 31 | |
Waal, J.C.M. de | CEng | Civil engineering | Marine and offshore | 74 | |
Wattez, Y.C.M. | CEng | Building and Urbanism engineering | Infrastructure and building | 161 | |
Wiggers, A.G. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Infrastructure & Building | 171 | |
Winter, E.P.J. de | CEng | Building engineering Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 172 | |
Wolvekamp, T.S. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 136 | |
Yntema, M.P. | CEng | Mechanical engineering | Marine and offshore | 101 | |
Zhang, L | CEng | Power and Energy engineering | High tech systems | 122 | |
Zuideveld-Venema, N. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 34 | |
Klamer, E. | CEng | Building engineering Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 178 | |
Huang, E.C.M. | CEng | Civil engineering Transport engineering | Infrastructure and building | 179 | |
Haghgoo Daryasari, A. | CEng | Civil engineering Hydraulic engineering | Marine and offshore | 180 | |
Smith, M. | CEng | Building engineering Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 181 | |
Escada, P.M.G. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 182 | |
Krijnen, F.J.H. | IEng | Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 184 | |
Keijzers, M. | CEng | Civil engineering | Marine and offshore | 185 | |
Stewart, S.D. | CEng | Geotechnical engineering | Marine and offshore | 39 | |
Min, T.T. | CEng | Electrical engineering Marine engineering | Marine and offshore | 183 | |
Watté, K. | IEng | Civil engineering Marine engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 186 | |
Kallias Ntroumpis, D.F. | CEng | Marine engineering Structural engineering | Marine and offshore | 187 | |
Aung, M.T. | CEng | Marine engineering | Marine and offshore | 188 | |
Smit, J.A. | CEng | Civil engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 189 | |
Bulck, S. van den | CEng | Systems engineering Building and Urbanism engineering Structural engineering | Infrastructure and building | 190 | |
Pandohi-Mishre, P. | CEng | Civil engineering | Infrastructure and building | 193 | |
Opic, Z. | CEng | Industrial engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical engineering | High tech systems | 194 |