Competence based development  |  A structure for innovation, personal agility and life long learning

Competence areas create a baseline and measuring system that form the framework of our professional development structure.

  • Internationally recognised framework.
  • All professional activities and tasks can be aligned with a competence area.
  • A common frame of reference for everyone, across all disciplines, levels, and roles.
The OPD Tool is the system that implements Competence-based development.

From to-do lists to complete career management, the OPD Tool has it covered.

  • Uses competence areas to provide feedback and analysis on your development.
  • A powerful reporting and portfolio tool.
  • Integrated with Professional Registration; both the application process and recording CPD.
Chartered Engineers set the standards that others follow.

Candidates are assessed against the competence framework, and attain the competence standard required of a Chartered Engineer or Incorporated Engineer.

  • Internationally recognised professional qualification and title.
  • KIVI offers two professional titles; Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Incorporated Engineer (IEng).
  • After qualification, the competence standard is maintained through CPD hours.

The Competence Framework

The five core-competence areas consist of 18 sub-competencies
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    Competence A

    Knowledge & understanding of engineering

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    Competence B

    Design, develop & create innovative products, systems, processes, or services

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    Competence C

    Leadership, responsibility & management

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    Competence D

    Stakeholders, communication & interpersonal skills

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    Competence E

    Professional commitment

Why competence-based development?

It is based on systems thinking and can be adopted and applied across businesses, and knowledge institutes, right down to individual engineers and their professional journeys.

The broad and flexible skillset supports:

  • Life long learning.
  • Technical competencies, and increasingly important non-technical competencies.
  • Increasingly complex issues and innovation.
  • Multidisciplinary and complex projects and development.
  • Strong professional agility; generating new knowledge from creativity, collaboration, and taking on new roles.

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The OPD Tool

The OPD Tool focuses on competence tracking and building, and provides a system to support users and their professional development. Helping them to plan, record and analyse their professional activities against the competence framework.

This allows users to quantify their professional development and strategise for the future, giving them real results and streamlining their progress and future development.